Top speaker 2023

Łukasz Tyrała

Principal Designer at Grafana Labs


Łukasz Tyrała


Power Talk
UI Design

Never urgent, rarely important: how to find and elevate the value of visual (UI) design for different types of projects

Consult The Eisenhower Matrix, and most visual (UI) design tasks will fall under the delete (distraction and unnecessary) quadrant. Ask your product manager if you can work on improving the curvatures of the icon set you are using, and observe closely. Visual (UI) design is the thing that attracts people's attention; although it is genuinely the least important aspect of product design, delivering work related to visual improvements is usually pushed down. How to navigate the paradox of this situation? How to show the hidden value of the visual (UI) design, and when to let go? This talk is about being more strategic about the craft of pushing pixels and micro-interactions.

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Łukasz Tyrała



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