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Codesign methods for business and project teams (Design Studio)

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Learn Design Studio - a collaborative design method that allows for research, prioritization and rapid prototyping in 2,5h training and practice workshop  


Intro to Design Studio Introduction and problem statement  


Sketch phase  

Present and critique phase

Converge phase

Prioritize phase  

Wrap up and next steps - Tips and tricks - how to combine other methods with design studio  

Now, let me provide a detailed description of the design studio method and its steps:

Design Studio Method

The design studio method is a workshop approach used by UX professionals to generate and refine ideas in a short amount of time. It is an effective way to create a shared vision and explore a wide range of design solutions while incorporating brainstorming, critique, and prioritization into one condensed session.


Introduction and problem statement: The workshop begins with a clear understanding of the problem statement and objectives. The facilitator explains the goals of the workshop and introduces the problem statement that the participants will be exploring.


Participants will follow exploratory research methods to understand end-users and context Divergent phase: Participants generate a wide set of ideas in a short amount of time around the problem statement. The facilitator leads the group through a timed sketching activity, such as the "Crazy 8s" technique, that results in a large amount of brainstormed ideas.

Present and critique phase:

Participants share and discuss ideas through thoughtful and constructive critique. Each participant has a set amount of time to both present and receive critique. A method to try during this phase is the "Thinking Hats" method.

Convergent phase:

The strongest elements of various ideas are combined into a new idea. The group sketches a collaborative idea that incorporates those elements into a single concept. A method to try during this phase is the "SCAMPER" method. Prioritize phase: The group creates consensus about common themes and the elements most valuable to the objectives of the design project. A method to try during this phase is the "$100 Test”.

Wrap up and next steps:

The workshop concludes with a wrap-up of the ideas generated and next steps for moving forward.

The benefits of the design studio method include including diverse perspectives, the ability to fit into tight timelines and fast workflows, and the collaborative nature of attendees working together to create a shared vision. Overall, the design studio approach is an effective way to create innovative and user-centric designs that meet the needs of both the user and the business

WORKSHOP lead by

Alicja Bukowska

Co-founder at House of Product

Sebastian Bukowski

UX Researcher at Sii

Other workshops

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