Top speaker 2023

Marcin Andrzejewski

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Lecturer and consultant. Practitioner | Contributor. Graphic designer focusing on lettering-based design and visual communication.

lectures & worksHops

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Marcin Andrzejewski


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Long Lecture

What the...Kanban!? Team management. I think.

A presentation on team management in the world of politics. Collaboration with politicians is a different perspective. "Collaboration" is often a semantic misuse. How do you manage the unmanageable? How to arrange the work of a team when the team doesn't know it is one? Real-life examples from election campaigns and the processes behind them. A sprint with competitors running in different directions, from a leader's perspective. If you learn the behind-the-scenes of election campaign management, you will consider your standard work assignments not a problem. Is this type of project for you? Do you want to design a political campaign and derive value from it? The next election is a year away - get ready.

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Marcin Andrzejewski



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